This is a diary of sorts, sharing my experience through the planning and execution of Sobriety.

If you are interested in my story, I encourage you to start with my begining Blogs

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mark Tuschel

I've been reading Mark Tuschel's Living Sober Sucks (living drunk sucks more). I can really relate to this book which is why I have chose Blogging as my means to an end. I feel like he is more of who I am. I have no desire to go to AA or other meetings. I don't feel like I belong. Yes we all have the same Social friend we are tyring to kick off the bus, but I am more of a DIY person. The argument can certainly be said "well if you don't need help from others then why haven't you stopped already". Because like Mark Tuschel, the only perosn who can stop entertaining your social friend is YOU. Anyway, Living Sober Sucks has really given me insight to the type of drunk I am. I felt like Mark's story is similiar to mine in the fact we both are high functioning Alcohlics. I also like his no nonsense approach. I'm an adult. I know what I am, I don't need kid gloves, signing songs of Kumbaya, and the society breakdown of "its a desease". He is the Dennis Leary of Sobriety, I love that. Please don't think I'm knocking AA and other programs. Individuals need to do what feels right for them. There is no one true diet....they are effective indvidually. I'm just thankful I found Mark Tuschel.

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