This is a diary of sorts, sharing my experience through the planning and execution of Sobriety.

If you are interested in my story, I encourage you to start with my begining Blogs

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sweet Hearts Ball

Had a great and Sober time last night. I finally shared my blog with my husband and we were able to have some great discussion around what has been going on with me over the last few months. I know some would wonder why it took so long to include my life partner, but there was a lot "I" needed to do and understand about myself before I could even begin to explain it to someone else. Is it a huge relief......yes and no. Of course I don't want to hear things about how bad I really was from his point of view. I know this is part of the healing process and I'm trying to push my pride aside and listen. Not the easiest thing in the world. However, now I can talk with him and he can help me when I need it.

Back to the Ball. Love this event. I feel special and wonderful. My husband looks amazing every year and this year I really like the purple. I just wish I could have found Jewelry to match.

 I started my day with an 8 mile run in honor of Sherry Arnold from Montana. She was a teacher, mother and runner. She left one morning for her run and didn't return thanks to two men who took her life for God knows what reason. My running partner coordinated a virtual run through a running blog she follows. 7 of us met at Oaks Park to run in Sherry's honor, we are all wearing bibs with her picture and name. We ended up coming across 2 more groups who were also running in her honor. This was amazing and really hit home of how close knit our running community is.

Made it home around 10:30 showered, packed, and got ready to leave. The night was amazing. They had Ice sculptures on all the tables. The room glowed hot pink. The food was amazing with Halibut, Crab cakes and Beef Tenderloin. The dessert was a lava cake with Vanilla ice cream. I felt like a Princess.

Did I miss drinking? Yes a little. Only when dinner arrived. It would have been nice to share my amazing dinner with the Elegant Pinot Nior they were serving. I had the bartender make me a Tonic and Ruby Grapefruit with lime drink and sucked down about 4 of those. They were so good. I did have one gal ask why I was not drinking. I told her jokingly "that I was a raging alcoholic" she laughed with me while in the back of my head was thinking...."yay if you only really knew the truth". But we talked about my training schedule and just the over all feeling of being healthy and she too was trying to change. So does she really know why....No....but was I able to talk somewhat freely without preaching and divulging all the scary skeletons in my closet...absolutely. As my husband and I were walking back to the hotel I told him that during the night it made me sad a little that I couldn't drink but now that I'm back in the hotel knowing tomorrow I will wake up and feel great. I'm completely Happy.

They had a really cool Ice sculpture that poured out Pink Martinis.
Ian said they didn't taste very good. I took his word for it. :)
The room really glowed Pick. Here is the Ice Sculpture.

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