This is a diary of sorts, sharing my experience through the planning and execution of Sobriety.

If you are interested in my story, I encourage you to start with my begining Blogs

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Changing Habits

The hardest part is going to be changing the Habit of drinking. I have had the same routine of drinking since 1994. It wasn't as bad as it is now but drinking has been almost daily since then. My habit started as early as High school with Friday and Saturday night parties. When I was first dating and married Friday evolved in Pizza night. I can remember we could get a 12pk for $5.50 and pizza for $10 and that's pretty much all we could afford. That was our entertainment. Then as time went on, due to my job my Friday could be a Tuesday or a Thursday, however my husband worked Monday through Friday so we would still have Friday night Pizza. This when the layering of multiple days of drinking started. Another Habit that has evolved is dinner time. Every night right before I begin to make dinner I open a bottle of wine. I drink while I'm cooking. Have a glass at dinner. Then I'm having another glass while I'm cleaning up. Then I sit down to watch TV with another glass.........I drink till I go to bed. I have been racking my brain as to why. Most people they drink to mask feelings or deal with a hard job etc.. I don't know why I drink outside of that is what I have done for years. The only thing I don't like about my life is drinking. I can only think it's out of habit. There is an addiction but it feels like an addiction to the habit not necessarily the drinking. I will probably get some rebuttals about that statement. Of course I'm addicted to the alcohol too but it seems like the habit will be harder to get rid of than the alcohol. Does that make sense? The only reason alcohol has now taken such a bad turn is my tolerance to it. I don't have the mechanism in my brain that allows me to stop after one or two. I usually stop when it's time for bed. I have never liked to be sloppy or out of control. I have done my share of shots but I never understood why people do them.  I just like the study buzz. Because I have drank for so many years, to maintain that study buzz requires a lot of alcohol. Which in turns has great effect on the next day and this is where it is interfering with my life. This is when I wish I was like the other 75% of the world that can have two glasses of wine and be done. My husband is one of those people. Sorry off on a rant. Anyway the habit of drinking.........I think of changing this habit on a daily basis. Understanding the habit and figuring out it's triggers are going to make me successful in overcoming it.
I have been online searching for ideas and guidance. I have found a website/blog called There are a lot of great ideas and information. There is so much information it will take some time to go through but so far I really like his approach to life. This is one of the articles I have read about changing a habit.

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