This is a diary of sorts, sharing my experience through the planning and execution of Sobriety.

If you are interested in my story, I encourage you to start with my begining Blogs

Monday, January 9, 2012

First Weekend down

I feel great. This is the 9th day I have woke without the queasy stomach and the head pounding. If this isn't motivation I don't know what is. What are my reflections of last week.......

Exercise- I stayed with my training program. My legs are screaming after an 8 mile run on Saturday and a 7 mile hike on some pretty tough hills Sunday. My run was great, it was nice to wake up  and not have to pull myself through a run because I had polluted myself all week. Even though I usually wouldn't drink the night before a long run, you are still not properly hydrated from a week of drinking. Plus your body is spending some much energy repairing and purging the toxins from the bad food you chose to eat to counter balance the week of hangovers. My hike was wonderful. I went with my friend Vanessa who is on board with my sobriety. I tried not to dominate the conversation with my new found Sobriety but we were able to talk a bit about how I was doing and some of the challenges. We talked about the book I was reading and what I thought the future was going to look like. Like I said, I'm trying not to talk about it too much. I want this blog to be my outlet. Even though my friends are totally their for me I don't want to come across preachy. I don't like it when someone has a new found diet, or exercise program and they want to tell you over and over how wonderful it is and your thinking to yourself that's great but really not for me.

Food- I managed to loose 4 pounds. I know that most of this is water. Breaking the cycle of my body retaining water will take some time since it's been in a constant state of dehydration for the past umpteen years. I  can control what I eat so much better when I'm not drinking. I had the worst habits while drinking. I wouldn't eat properly at night because I didn't want to kill my buzz (this was actually the key turning point that I realized I needed to stop drinking) I wouldn't eat until right before bed. Then the next day I would eat anything with the highest salt contents because my body was craving water and salt. A combination that are a girls worst enemy. I was able to eat the right portions, I had greens and lots of them and more focus on Protein instead of starches. I didn't feel like I was deprived at all. I have been trying to loose weight for the past 3 years but would always fall off any diet plan because my hangover cravings would sabotage my efforts. Not to mention, I just took off about 750 calories a day by not drinking two bottles of Red wine every night. I did indulge in chocolate. I am craving sweets really bad which I know is due to my body getting a ton of sugar from Wine every night. I let myself drink Hot Chocolate which actually helped with the habit of having something to sip on and some pieces of Chocolate every night. Good alternative I think.

Sleep- still struggling a bit with that but I haven't had to take a Tylenol PM in the last two days. So I feel I'm getting better. Although Ian slept in a different part of the house (this is usual for the weekends not a reflection of our marriage :) But without him snoring beside me, I think that helped a little.

I look forward this next week. Everyday will be a challenge but I'm so happy with the way I feel.

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