So that didn't go so well. In my quest for Sobriety I have researched what could potentially happen when I quit drinking. I have quit before and only had irritable moods. I assumed this time would be different considering the amount of alcohol I have been consuming on a daily basis. Occasionally I would have a night when I wouldn't drink but would go through my usual routine of walking up at 2:00am to pee (a habit I picked up from nightly feedings and never seemed to get rid of) another toss about at 5:00 when my Husband woke up. Of course I have had my fair share of insomnia during heavy drinking nights. They would make me insane. Usually because unless I got a good night sleep the alcohol in my system was still going to be there in the morning......and it wouldn't feel good.
So last night I was reading a really great book. More about that later. I could not go to sleep. Finally I turned off the light at 11:30 knowing I had to get up and run in 5 hours. My mind was like a roller coaster. Thoughts were jumbled and unclear. I couldn't concentrate on anything a trick I had taught myself for those drunken insomnia nights. It was weird how my mind felt like it was clicking almost like someone had the remote to my brain and was searching through the menu to no avail. At 1:00am I received a text from my running partner and she was having trouble sleeping also. Yay. Even though I was having a terrible night I told myself I was committed to following through with my running schedule. I text her back and said I was still wide awake and could run on my own later in the day. Then my daughter scared the whole crap out of me....she came in to tell me her alarm wasn't working and needed me to wake her up. I thanked her for the heads up and shooed her back to bed. What little bit of sleepiness I had had totally gone away. I think sometime around 3:00am I fell asleep propping a pillow over my exposed ear. I love Ian to death but that man can snore. Another thing Alcohol is good at masking. Finally I was in the deepest sleep and my alarm went off. Nooooooo! I'm exhausted and swimming in a pool of sweat, fabulous. Nothing a shower and a good cup of coffee can't fix.
The best part is I'm not hungover. Normally I would be talking to myself trying to figure out how I was going to maneuver through the day. I would be downing orange juice, banana and coffee. My go to hangover cure. Convincing myself the more I move around the quicker the hangover would go away. I never, except the occasional Sunday, ever drank to rid myself of a hangover. I always told myself that was the true sign of an Alcoholic. HA.....reality, having the hangover in the first place was the true sign.
Happy New Years Michelle, I was thinking about you through the Holidays and wondering how you were doing. Besides not sleeping have you been ok since Jan. 1st? I too never drank to get rid of a hangover although I can see why people do. hangovers are horrible and I used to swear I will never drink again until the day went on and I felt better and then right back to the booze. Email me if you like to see how you are